Yesterday he was a complete comedian and had me laughing so hard. Really he didn't do anything that he doesn't already normally do (he's the barn clown, dontcha know?!) but he was out in full force and really made my day. He has two windows in his stall, and would "follow" me as I turned horses out. Grunting politely as to make sure that I didn't forget to turn out my special boy. He also enjoys swinging his head around and making the 'yes' motion and then licking, chewing, and sticking his tongue out when someone is watching him. This translates to "YES, HUMAN, you've made eye contact, now FEED ME! I'm STARVED! LOOK at my eyes! POOR ME!" Followed by one more attempt at a whinny. I cave every time and walk up to give kisses and pats (he has finished his third meal of the day by this time. He ISN'T starving)
I remember when I met you, April 3rd, Miss Summer had to warn us when we touched and pat you, because you were such a little grump about touch and feel. I'm so happy to see that you grin and bare the brushing now. I know you have some spots that still aren't comfortable, but we make do and you've leaped miles and miles forward in the progress with your sensitive body. I love that I can now give you pets and scratches (you DO have to know the spots, or he will make angry faces) and kisses and hugs, and not really have to worry (nearly as much) about what you might do. I love that you are safe, smart, and kind. The first time I sat on you, it was quite a struggle to get you to move. Miss Summer had to give me the 'okay' to really kick you on. I felt like a complete nut. I was so used to riding a forward moving pony. I must have known by that look in your eye, that this wasn't the real you. Kind, quiet, and willing to please, absolutely, but poky and resistant, you are not. You have a great movement and it fills my heart with joy to see you moving freely forward. You feel better and it shows.
I cannot wait for the next 90 days, and every day thereafter, to continue to develop you and see you show more and more of yourself. I got a lot of flack from uneducated people wondering why on earth I was thinking about getting a 7 year old thoroughbred that ran and ran and ran all these years. Why? Because I knew it meant you had heart. Your body is strong, and your mind brave. I gave a very lovely pony to have you, Max, and though lots of people still question why I did it, and if it was right for me to do, I know it was. She's happy with Miss Summer, and Miss Summer LOVES her as I did. Just as she loved you like I love you. I promise you Max, no matter what the future may bring, I will never ever fail you. You will always be safe. Always be fed, and always be happy to the best of my abilities.
Love you sweet boy! Congrats on 90 days of retirement from racing! I know I gush about you way too much, but I can't help it! You're a very special horse!

55 days ago when I first got on him
This Video is never before seen! I just found it on my phone today! This was from my first ever ride on Max, at Summer's trying him out. This was also his second ever ride post track.
And a video from last week where we jumped an X for the first time (this wasn't the first jump, but during the first ride)
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