The title of this post actually has some substance behind it, if you didn't notice when you stopped by here today. I'm going to come right out and say it; that I've been challenged to have more accountability for my blog. I never really knew what direction I was going to go with this blog, but I knew my main subject was always going to revolve around the horses. It's the only thing I'm kind of good at, and this is one of the few outlets I have to totally geek out and not completely annoy my friends on various social media platforms. [okay, so I still do that too...]
I've taken it upon myself to start giving a better appearance to my blog. Gosh, am I ever lacking in that. Back in my hay-day....[yeah yeah shut up I know I'm young] in high school, I actually took several HTML CSS and Digital Editing classes. I knew my way around HTML like nobody's business and could build you a bangin' Myspace page in under 2 hours. However, times have changed, and what you don't practice, you lose. That's true. I've forgotten nearly 4 years of Spanish, learned in the same time frame as all this computer stuff. Neither were implemented much after graduation, therefore, beyond asking for food, shelter, and a place to relieve myself [not to mention all the silly, dirty things that stick with you], I can't speak a lick of Spanish. My HTML is seriously lacking as well. I can't get much past being able to display a photo, align text, change colors, and some other bare basic maneuvers with the HTML. It's also quickly becoming obsolete on it's own, as many developers have moved onto other coding types that I can't even get into...ANYWAYS...
I didn't want to keep this blog exclusively for Maxwell. He's always going to have the biggest light shone on him, but I wanted to expand a bit. Talk about horse related things as I have done in the past. Products, opinions, ideology, etc. I really do need you, the readers, as help! What do you want to hear about? What do you want me to discuss? If you ever have any questions, concerns, opinions, or ideas, please share them! If you can't figure out how to comment here on the blog [I struggle with that myself sometimes. Blogger ins't exactly the most user friendly--logic goes out the door and you've just got to start clicking to figure it out], please, go back to whatever outlet lead you here [likely Facebook] and comment your thoughts/suggestions/what have you, there! I would LOVE some feedback and ideas! Otherwise I'll keep going on and on about Maxwell, stuff that works, stuff that sucks, etc etc etc. This is about building a community of people who share the same passions, interests, and ideas. I want to appeal to all of you, while staying true to myself and my personal experiences.
For today, that's all. But you better believe I'm working on a post for tomorrow already! I had a miraculous weekend with my horse and I can't wait to share all the details. I also have an exciting opinion on a product I was able to try for free! [Free samples rock!!!!!]
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