Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mystery Map

I wasn’t going to even bother trying to post about this, because I got no pictures, and what’s a post without pictures?! But then I realized that apparently other people were taking professional pictures, and so that changed my mind a bit!!!

A few weekends ago, our barn went to an event called the Mystery Map Ride. It takes place annually in October at one of our local state parks, Little Manatee River State Park. (One of my favorite places to trail ride!) Several volunteers set up obstacles, the scarier the better, for horse and rider to complete along the trail. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we really got any photos of the obstacles, but some candid’s while we were on the move got captured, so that counts for something!! Maxwell has been on a handful of trail rides since he came off the track. We did more of that than anything else for the first two months that he was home. He had a hiatus from trails over the summer, partly because we are more focused on ring work, but also because it’s just too much to trailer him all over the place and to then put him through a hot ride in the dead of the summer. He went on one ride the weekend before this event, and he was perfect, of course.

I was a bit apprehensive about how he might react to all the other horses and riders being in costumes.  This was, of course, his first ‘event’ with a bunch of other horses, since he came off the race track! I could only expect him to react how he might at the race track—with passion and excitement! So this year we opted to NOT dress up, and to use this as a good experience and training event. I was pleasantly surprised that he didn’t bat an eye at any of the crazy costumes, and really didn’t have anything to say about any of the ridiculous obstacles either. There were some we skipped, but we walked right next to each one that we did skip, without freaking out. I found out that Maxwell prefers to be a leader. In the back of the pack he was pacing and jittery. Grinding his teeth and holding his head up tense as could be. As soon as we migrated to the front of the pack, he settled right in, quiet, happy, and BRAVE! My little green OTTB wanted to be the leader of the pack. The greenest horse in the group, but the leader, and a good one, if I do say so myself!

Anyways, it was a great training experience for Max, and enlightened me on his ability to take in sights and activities and not overreact to them. I should have known. He’s spent most of his life on the track where things are always loud and there’s plenty of commotion, and probably a couple of weird sights to see at times. Baby Maxwell…always proving to be quite a perfect horse

This was towards the end of the ride--I can tell by my slouching posture

IM the one who looks out of place not being dressed up. I'd be lying if I said this wouldn't look super badass with everyone ELSE wearing sunglasses too. Hehehe watch out, Olympia Equestrian coming through!

Max has start box jitters. I told him it's okay, most horses who actually know what a start box means have a little get up and go in them...hehehe

Waiting in line to go over the first obstacle, some cavaletti

It's funny I'm looking right at the camera but had no idea my picture was being taken. I was simply giving my muffin a pat on the neck for being such a big brave Thoroughbred

I was laughing at something--I think Kristina threw the ball (which should have gone in that snowman behind us) and nearly nailed us. Max was doing a great job modeling, though!

Olympia Equestrian on the move!

OH! In December the Hunter Pace comes to Myakka! Closer to home. Last year I took Bella on one up in Wesley Chapel--this year Max will go on his first pace closer to home! I can't wait! Time to condition!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015


I just want to talk about how much I adore my horse. I flood my facebook and other social media with pictures of him, gushing, worrying, loving…whatever. But I just can’t get enough of that special horse. I always roll my eyes at people who say “he was/is my heart horse”….I don’t like that term. However, I do believe there are horses in our lives that touch a special part of our heart that none other does. This doesn’t discredit my love for other horses in my life; past, present, or future. It simply means that this horse has a much more emotional connection to my heart than other horses have. That’s not to say that a future one won’t touch me further, or differently altogether. But this horse, as himself, has me reeled in and I’m infatuated with him. Everyone thinks their horse is the most special. I’m okay with that. I just feel so humbled to know this creature.
I have to give myself a reality check when I realize it hasn’t been but *almost* 7 months that I’ve owned him.  That he has only been retired from racing for 8 months. That we still have a way way way long journey ahead of us. I can’t wait, because it’s been an exhilarating couple of months so far.
 My horse had a job. He had a purpose. He gave his heart to what he did. He might not have been the Triple Crown winner, or really, a winner more than twice ever on the track. But you better believe that I let him know he’s a winner in my eyes every single day I’m with him. What an exhilarating feeling to know that his 2nd ride off the track and onward has all been my doing. I’m the one who got him where he’s at, and where he’s destined to go. It’s really hard for me to take credit for the good things I’ve done. It’s even harder for me to take a compliment. But wow, what a feeling it is, to know that I’ve started to mold this horse into quite the special deal. Everyone is biased in thinking their horse is the greatest. I invite someone to get on Max and tell me he isn’t some kind of wonderful.
 (Okay, that was a rhetorical invite. There’s only a handful of people who I’d let sit on him. Duh.)

Okay so now that the mushy gushy stuff about my special OTTB is over, I have to share something! This weekend, the gang was all together! Gang? What gang? Well, the group of ladies connected through a very special pony mare that I like to talk about often. YEP! That gang! What a wonderful Saturday morning spent working out quirks, enjoying our horses, and revisiting with Bella. I sat on her, and it was so awkward! It was hard to believe that I spent so much time on her! She felt so little compared to Max! To see the beautiful pony in action was even greater. Trotting around with her nose down low, slow moving. I’m so very proud of that special pony. That myself and Kristina both gave her a great start, and that now she’s in the right hands to really turn her into the best little hunter pony a person could ever ask for.  That pony brought Max to me. We all got what we needed. That goes for both horses and owners involved. I’ve got a special friend who owns that special pony, who made it possible for me to own my special horse, and in turn also made it possible for Kristina to be touched by yet another special horse. There’s lots of special horses in this world. I just get the warm fuzzy feels every time I think about our little group of specialness. Not to mention all the horses attached to each of us who make up an even bigger group of special horses.

Max & Me, Bella & Summer, and Aiden & Kristina

Lots of specialness.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

6 months.....

Oh Baby Maxwell.

This past weekend marked 6 months of partnership between you and I. 6 fast months. It feels like I just got you. But when I look at where we were, and where we are, I have to say, wow....we've come quite a long way in such a short amount of time.

I remember my first month of rides on you. You poked your nose out, bracing with your neck, and kind of just skated along. I kept basically NO contact on your mouth, and kind of just let you figure out what this new career was all about. I ignored your small and silly mistakes, and praised your biggest triumphs. I worried night and day about whether I was doing everything I could for you. I worried if people thought I was a bad owner because your ribs would show one week, then you'd look great the next, and look worse the week after that. I knew in the back of my mind that this was all apart of the beautiful metamorphosis that you're in, but I still could hardly keep myself sane. We still have a ways to go, but now I light up when people call you fat. Don't take offense to it. We'll get those gleaming muscles back. I'm just happy to see a belly on you.

Top: 7 months ago, when Maxwell first arrived at Summer's, in gorgeous race-fit condition.
Bottom: 2 months into ownership (so about 3 months off the track) going through the racehorse crash.

Nutrition became a huge part of my studying. While many OTTB owners are busy googling how to calm down their hot headed new mount (which nutrition often takes care of, as well), I was concerned with giving you all the tools you needed to transition to a happy retired racehorse. I became obsessed with nutrition. I still am. I still crave education and seek it often.

Riding you has always been a pleasure. While most OTTB's are easy, they have their issues, too, as ANY horse that's being asked to perform a new job would. I feel like I truly did win the lottery with you, because you gave me your heart and I gave you my trust, and together we make big things happen. We continue to make big things happen, and I think we always will. You're a gem.


Quite a sexy sporthorse, if I do say so myself.
Maxwell will continue to go through peaks and valleys, ups and downs, fat and muscle. In June & July Max had a gorgeous body; firm muscles, a lean physique. But ultimately he was still a bit underweight for the type of work we have been doing. I put Max on a supplement called Succeed, as I indicated in my earlier blog posts. Two months later, my horse is a bit of a fatty. This is also due in part to the fact that he was in a lot less work from August to September. We had lots of rain, which made riding spotty. This is the big gal lute this past weekend, on our 6 month anniversary:

Anyhow, we still have a long ways to go, but I am so proud of the horse that you've become in such a short amount of time. I can't wait to see what we have accomplished in another 6 months.