Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Monster

I love to call Max "My Monster". Mostly because it's absolutely hilarious that he is the complete and utter OPPOSITE of that. But this week I got a call that it looked as though a monster bit him! I got that dreaded call that every horse owner is terrified to know, the one where the BO calls in the middle of the day when you're at work (or in the early morning when she knows you're heading to work) and the first words out of their mouth IS NOT "Don't worry, your horse is okay..."

Max is fine. He just got bit. My first impression was that it was NOT a bite. My second and third impression say, yes, an adjoining neighbor took a bite out of his neck. Its a bizarre injury that swelled up a bit for the first two days, but has sense seemed to returned to normal size and has even started to scab over. Baby Max appears to have thin thin skin, hence his reservations about being groomed, and all those silly scars on him. Only one spot actually broke skin, and the rest of it actually has skin still closed, but it was just enough to remove the hair. WEIRD! If this were my last horse, she probably wouldn't even have a mark. Proof is in the puddin' right there that some TB's just literally have thin skin.

 This is what it looked like when it was discovered, post cold hose, before I saw it in person. It appears as a puncture wound or HUGE sting in this picture. WEIRDEST THING EVER.

This was taken about 5 hours later. You get a better idea of the swelling and the location of the injury. Still strange as can be. Thankfully the swelling kept traveling with gravity down his neck and is gone as of yesterday.

Yesterday, Max went on a hack around the farm. Our riding buddies this time were Kristina and Brewski. Brewski made sure to show Max all the super neat stuff around the property, since it has changed since the last time he was out and about. See below:

As you can see, both me and Baby Maxwell thought this was a funny situation. You can see how quickly his neck bite has healed, as it's that spot next to my hand.

Brewski was a bit more brave than Max, but we're alright with that. It was a big feat for either of them to interestingly walk up to such a 'scary' yellow monster. Funny enough, they had more qualms about the scary goat than this big piece of machinery.

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