Monday, July 6, 2015


It's been a little bit since I've gushed over Baby Maxwell on here! We had a very wonderful week of riding! I had Friday off, so we even got an extra morning ride in this past weekend. It's amazing to see his transformation on the flat. He used to be so stiff, tight, hard to manage while going to the right. Now he's starting to relax, flex, bend, and soften. My favorite gait of his is by far his canter. I have a very weak lower back, and while I'm trying to work on strengthening that, his canter at least makes it possible for me to sit in a full seat and go with the motion.

Sunday we popped over a few little jumps for fun. He did really well, but we were just playing around and not really serious about anything going on. We have a lesson scheduled for next weekend, and I'm so excited! Anyhow, not much else to really say right now. I'm going to post his training log for the Cavalor trial in the next few days, as that ends on Friday.

In the mean time, here's a 'two week' photo, in the middle of the trial.

When I first put the photos side by side, I was pretty discouraged. I didn't see any magnificent weight difference. (note, this is NOT the before and after, this is a two week period in between the before and after) However, upon further examination of the picture, I DO see some pretty big changes for a two week period. He's not as sucked in around the hip and loins. But the biggest difference? THAT BUTT! LOOK at the shape change and muscle difference! He goes from having what I call a triangle butt to a nice round sloping rump. This is an extraordinary change for two weeks, and one part of him that was seriously lacking muscle after his race let-down. Obviously another difference is his halter. The jerk broke his THIRD halter in THREE months this weekend. So needless to say, this is why we can't have nice things, and why from now on, he will wear a nylon halter unless at a show or being trailered. Naughty man. What other differences do YOU see?!


  1. I am currently working to put a topline and butt on my thin OTTB. Great progress! :)

  2. Thank you! They go through so many peaks and valleys as their bodies adjust to their new lives. I'm going to be posting another progress post in the near future as Maxwell gets closer to his 1 year retirement anniversary! Yippee!!
